Compilation of the Ka-bhum

Compilation of the Ka-bhum

The classical writings of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama: Teachings, lectures, speeches, messages, and literary works since 1954.


We, the Educational Development Committee of Namgyal Tantric College, are compiling a full catalogue of all the teachings, lectures, speeches, messages, and literary works of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, since 1954. This project was initiated in 2008 and we expect it to take many more years to complete. In order to accomplish our project we require trained staff, namely a transcriber, a proofreader, an editor, and a translator for the duration. Therefore, we are aiming to raise approximately 5,000,000 INR ($93,000 US) and are seeking financial assistance.

Who are we?

Namgyal Tantric College, which is more commonly known as Namgyal Monastery, is the personal monastery of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The monastery is a charitable organization registered in India under the Societies Registration Act XXI 1860. It has been working for young Tibetan monks in the hope of ensuring the survival of the unique Tibetan traditional Buddhist studies and practices. The monastery was founded by His Holiness the second Dalai Lama Gedun Gyatso (1440-1480) to assist him in carrying out his religious activities and to serve humanity.

At present, the monastery has nearly two hundred monks, and of these the younger monks are engaged in the study of the major texts of Buddhist Sutra and Tantra, while at the same time pursuing modern studies. The monastery provides free accommodation and food as well as education to all of the monks.